Maneuvering Motherhood with Wellyna Patterson

My Story

I was born in Liberia, raised in Birmingham, AL. My husband, Eric, and I started dating in 2010 and got married in 2016. We were blessed with our son in January of 2018. I had a rough time during my pregnancy–primarily because I was terrified of what motherhood would bring.

Was I good enough? Strong enough? Mature enough?

I remember being so hard on myself for the weight I gained and struggled to lose. I initially thought I was losing myself, but what happened was I started to become more authentically me instead of who I thought I was supposed to be. The thing about parenting that I wasn’t truly prepared for was the process or rebirth that occurs.

I was no longer just a woman, but I took on the role of a mother in a way that had to be uniquely mine.

Motherhood, and womanhood, reminds me of how we progress through grade school. Each new challenge unveils an element of our identity.

Grace & Parenting

I’ve leaned into grace more than ever. I’m constantly reminded to extend grace to my child, just as God showers me with grace. I always aim to be a reflection of God’s grace to others, because I know how much I’ve benefited from grace and mercy in my own life.

Wellyna with her sweet baby boy

What I am Learning in this Season

I’ve learned to be patient with myself as I maneuver through life. I’m nearly 30 and I feel like I frequently have to fight the battle of where I think I should be at this point. I’ve learned that it is ok to not have everything figured out because we’re all working to figure life out at our own pace. No one wins during the comparison game, so I have to stay focused on the journey I’m on.

Encouragement to Mothers

For other parents, I would encourage you to be gentle with yourself. My mother told me this years ago, but now more than ever I understand the truth: people do the best they can with what they know. Although you may feel like you’re not nailing every moment with your precious child, give yourself grace because you honestly are doing the best you can. Also, don’t be afraid to change your mind about ideas you thought you had figured out. A lot of things sound good when dealing with hypothetical parenting dilemmas, but you never know how your feelings may change when that hypothetical becomes a reality.

Encouragement for Future Mothers

For those who desire children, I encourage you to spend time with people who are parents. Getting to see the realities of parenting up close helps to put it into perspective for you. Also, know that when your time comes to be a parent, you will be fully equipped, regardless of how incapable you may currently feel.


Follow Wellyna’s journey on her amazing blog .

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